Hat Buddy



Hi! Thanks for your interest in HatBuddy!

I've always heard that necessity is the mother of invention. I'll buy that! After many years of wearing a cowboy hat, I'd simply grown tired of of pondering the problematic question: what do I do with my hat while I drive?

I truly was never interested in buying something which was going to smash my hat flat against a ceiling or window, AND require that I either seperately purchase screws and drill holes in my roof liner or use not-always-so-reliable suction cups.


As a boy I was taught "If you set your hat down anywhere, you must always place it upside down so you don't bend your brims".


Yet, the products available to me for holding my cowboy hat in my vehicle, not only effectively pressed the hat down brim first, but did it under considerable tension!


Therefore, all the cowboys, cowgirls and other faithful hat wearers that I knew, always chose to either risk just placing their hats (upside down) in the seat of their truck, (many a mashed hat has resulted from someone plopping into a truck seat without remembering to check first) or more often than not, they simply place their hat onto the center of their dashboard.


This normally provided a somewhat rounded surface on which to set their hat as well as making it easily and quickly accessible when they parked.



However, this handy location also came with a few unhandy negatives:

  1. If there were any dash-shining products, chemicals, or other substances on the dash, it would often rub onto and permanently stain their otherwise clean felt hats.
  2. If they ever rounded a curve or made a turn and forgot to reach quickly to grab hold of their hat, the hat would go sliding across their dash and into the floor on the other side. (On atleast one occassion a friend's hat slid right out the passenger's side window, to be run over by traffic)!
  3. If they accelerated quickly into traffic while forgetting to hold their hat still, it came flying back into the floor or into their laps, sometimes causing a very unsafe confusion.

That's how HatBuddy came to be.

Nowadays my friends and I just put our hats onto our HatBuddies, set the HatBuddy onto the dashboard (carefully placed so that it doesn't impede our view or vision of our surroundings), and head out on our way!

I've literally tested HatBuddy after HatBuddy while driving in some of the most rough terrain and circumstances imaginable, and the HatBuddy held my hat in place EVERY TIME!

100% I've tried doing "doghnuts" in a cow pasture, driving fast down an old, bumpy, gravel road, making last minute turns quickly, etc. I can honestly report that each and every time, my hat stayed right where I put it.

If you haven't seen it yet, Id like to invite you to take just a minute and check out our demonstration video, right here on our HatBuddy.com website! On the video, You'll see the HatBuddy in action! You'll also hear a real, unscripted, and non-compensated testimonial from our VERY FIRST CUSTOMER, Limestone County, Alabama Sheriff of 27 years, Mike Blakely!

Enjoy the video... And enjoy your own HatBuddy!

Order Your Own HatBuddy Now and start enjoying yours too! You'll see that with HatBuddy, where you put your hat, is where it will be!


Patent PendingHat Buddy

The Hat Buddy

Site Designed by KLAMCO Web Design for Hat Buddy.com © 2009